Monday, April 8, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions ~ Babysitting Interview Question #1

 Hi, everybody!

  Today I am back with my fourth post and I thought that for this one I would change it up a bit. That's why today I am starting a new series of posts you will find on my blog. As a babysitter, I have been asked many questions from clients, friends who would like to be babysitters, and even the instructors at the babysitting class that I took, and I thought that I would share some Q&A with you today. I am calling these posts Babysitting Interview Questions. You will find not only the Q&A, but I make sure to sneak in a few tips here and there(:

   Here is my first question, most commonly asked by my friends:

q: What is your favorite age group to babysit? Which group do you think is the hardest to babysit?

a: When I took my babysitting class, we had a session about child care essentials, which included a part about the four main age groups of children. The four main age groups are Infants, Toddlers, Preschool, and School Age. We viewed a chart that gave us information about each age group and how they acted and the assistance they needed when it came to NEAT (Nap/Nighttime, Eating, Activities, Toileting).
   t gave me a pretty good idea of what it was like caring for each age group. My class recommended that any beginning babysitter should start out with the Preschool age group, the "easiest". I put that in quotes because I believe that you can't base information in any chart off of just a few kids. It all really depends on the child you are watching, though I would have to agree that the majority of The Preschool Group is probably easiest.
  After babysitting for many age groups, I loved them all! But I would have to say that if I had to choose favorites, I think Babies and Preschoolers would be my favorites.
  I have to say, though, that I don't think that there is a "hardest" age group, because every age group has their goods and bads. For example, with babies, you don't have to ever worry about them not minding you as the babysitter, but they need much more care and attention from you. With preschoolers, they are at the age where they are learning so many new things, and they appreciate the attention from you, but behavioral issues start to come up at this age. No age group is perfect, but some are better for some babysitters than others. Again, it also depends on the child(ren). As you babysit you will start to find who and what is right for you.

 Thanks so much for reading my first interview question! If you have any questions for my whatsoever, please feel free to comment and I will create a post with an answer. Thanks again!

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