Monday, April 8, 2013

Recipe For Fun ~ Play Rice!

Hi, everyone!

I am back for my third post with a brand new recipe for fun... play rice!
I absolutely LOVE making play rice with the kids I babysit because it keeps them busy for hours.. and making it is just as fun as playing with it!

I have made many different variations of play rice including rainbow rice and glow in the dark rice. I have yet to try others like eucalyptus rice (helps soothe sick kids) and some scented rice such as peppermint and chocolate. Today, though, I am going to post the instructions for glowing rice! Check back later, though, because I may update this post with more rice recipes (The title will say that the post is up dated).

  Glowing Rainbow Rice:   (Or just glowing rice) (:

~  White rice (or really any kind of rice... I used brown rice the first time I made this recipe... just use whatever you have)

~  Zip-Lock baggies

~ Fluorescent OR glow in the dark paint

~ Rubbing alcohol

 First, place the desired amount of rice in each of the Zip-Lock baggies (I use freezer and/or gallon bags... (:less chance of spillage and more room to mix).
   Add one tablespoon of the paint of your choice. If you use regular, no color glow paint, your rice will look the same when dried and finished until the lights are turned off.
  Then add roughly one tablespoon of the rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol helps coat the rice. It also waters down the paint so you need less.
  Once you have all of your ingredients in one plastic bag, make sure that the bag is sealed tightly, so no rice can spill out when kneading. Once you are assured that the bag is sealed tightly enough, knead the rice, paint and alcohol until all of the rice is coated.
 When done shaking, kneading and mixing, lay the rice out on a cookie sheet to dry, and flip the rice about halfway through drying time or more if necessary. When the rice is dry, have fun playing(:!

 I really do hope you enjoyed this play recipe! Comment and let me know how you liked it and make sure to check for updates(: Thank you!

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