Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Babysitting Binder

Hello again(:!

Today I am going to show you all my super fantastic babysitting binder that I would absolutely die without. Not kidding.

Okay, so when I babysit, I am always sure that I have this whenever I can... it has very important information in it such as ways to contact the kid's parents, my manual from my babysitting class, my schedule, etc., etc., etc. x1,000

Other things I keep in there:
  • Certificates and rewards (see my other post on those)
  • play recipe sheets
  • child and family info sheets
  • my manual
  • drawings from kids(:
  •  my babysitting schedule
  • my sheets for writing notes about the job (meals and snacks, bedtimes, homework, bath time, etc.)
  • my class completion certificate (laminated and safe(;)

Here are some example pics... any questions? Please just feel free to comment and/or ask for more suggestions!

I keep drawings from the kids in here for smile makers(; They are so sweet!
^Those file markers are life savers.. there are at least 10 of them in my binder at the moment.^
One of my certificates(:
All of this is just babysitting information... I have to try to keep on finding ways to make sure all of this stays organized!
Here it is!

Remember to comment any questions you may have, and I'll get back to you!

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