Sunday, May 5, 2013

Babysitting Q&A ~ Kids That Take

  This is a question asked by my friend Abby.

  Q: What if the child(ren) take my belongings while I am there and they get broken? (iPods, phones, wallet, etc.)

 A: When I babysit, all of my necessary belongings stay in my babysitting bag (I got a free tote after taking my class with the company's logo. If you don't recieve anything like this, just designate a bag especially for when you are on the job.), which I keep far out of reach from the kids I am watching. I just make sure that when I bring my stuff, the children can't reach it whether I set it on a high shelf, or hang it on a hook under my jacket, or anywhere else the parent's of the child say it is okay to leave it.

 Make sure whatever you bring for the job is necessary, though. If you bring a whole bunch of stuff that you really just don't need, the more chances those things might be taken or broken. The top things that I have with me whenever I can are my babysitting binder (which holds a lot of stuff already, anyways), my cell phone, my first aid kit (see my other post). I bring other things when necessary, of course, but those are my regular job things. Worried about something you may not need getting damaged? Don't bring it.

 If you are watching a child, make sure the things you have are out of reach, especially away from the hands of sneaky troublemakers who have a tendancy to take (;

 Okay, but what if you're too late, and a kid has your bag right this second?
      Ask what he wants. Is he taking your phone to play Angry Birds? Your iPod to listen to a song? Your binder to have a peek inside? Maybe his upsetting you wasn't intentional, and so don't get upset just yet.

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